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September 15, 2005



I see where you're coming from. Too many young ladies aren't ladylike at all. And that doesn't mean a woman has to be dolled up in makeup and frills. I would like to think myself a lady - and I can shoot better than my husband any 7 days of the week. ;-) Somewhere I have a scan of an old magazine that lists what being a lady is - maybe I could find it and post it. I'm glad to hear my husband isn't the last of gentlemen out there.


It is nice for a man to open the car door for a women , or pull her chair out for her , or let her order first.

And there is some men out there that still do that , and there are some who just don't , now days people are in such a hurry they do not take the time to appriciate anything .

Myself speaking it makes no difference to me , been along time since I had a car door open for me , yata yata , Guess I would have to date to see what that was like : )

I have door's open for me when going into work , or when I stop off at a store for gas , I walk through and make sure I say Thankyou and smile , I have even opened Doors for people woman and men , called respect.

I myself study people and I think it is really nice to see couples staring across at each other like there in love while having Dinner , Seeing couples hand in hand walking around shopping, or just walking hand in hand down the street , but I see mostly older couples doing that now days but at least there taking the time out to apriciate each other .

(double post merged by site owner)


If you're not there, Jim, you're damned close.


my point in starting that thread was that many young people dont have any manners, i see people my age (almost 17) that dont say thank you, yes mam/sir, no mam/sir etc. and it kind of bothers me that there are people that would just let a door slam in your face rather than be nice and hold it for you, or even just half assed push it open far enough so you could get through.

and Jim your list looks about right.


What amazes me is the number of people who won't give up their seat on a bus or what have you for the aged. Me, I get up like I sat on a taser if I see an elderly person without a seat. (Mainly because my Momma would kick my backside into next week if I didn't...)


I live in a tough neighborhood here in LA, but guys open or hold doors for ladies around here often, even the young, baggy-pants sorts. Whenever a guy holds a door for me, I smile at him and say, 'thank you.' The surprised, please and hearty "you're welcomes" I get tell me that they don't get the 'thank you' that often. Women have some responsibility here also.

BTW, it will be time to hitch your "house" to a pick-up or something, and get out of Dodge soon, no? :-)

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