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September 20, 2005


Rick T

Jim you and your Lady will be in our thoughts and prayers here in Orange County, CA.

Rick Tengdin

Jay G


Be safe, and know that we're praying for you.


be safe, will be praying for you and all folks in the area of Rita's possible landfall...


I'll be praying for a near miss for you like I got last week. You never know what those things will do and I'm thinking positive. But don't push your luck.

Kevin Baker

Good luck, Jim. And the New Dawn, too.


Jim: Best of luck to you (and New Dawn) on weathering Rita.


Jim and cats...safe journey. All your new friends in FW wish you Godspeed and the lovely sloop New Dawn safe harbor. You and the entire coast are in our prayers.

Army of Dad

Good luck Jim.


Jim, you are well-prepared to survive any situation life--or Rita--may throw at you in the next couple of weeks. Important papers, clothes, food, arms, and your two cats will help make your next chapter of life much more comfortable as you use your intelligence to figure out what is next. -PB, Arlington, Va.


Any chance to get the New Dawn to sheltered water deeper up the bay?

With a heavy eneough anchor and eneough scope out she might survive.

Thats how we protected my folks boat through 2 'cains when they came visiting Long Island but of course they were at their worst cat 1-2 not 4-5

Good luck and god bless. we'll be praying for both you and her...

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