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September 21, 2005



Stay safe...


Good luck and Godspeed


Aw, damnit Jim, I hadda hide tears too.

If you have time, remember to document her pre-storm condition with a digicam for the insurance company. That might prevent some headaches down the road.



Fare thee well, Jim. May your rigging hold firm, and the tide stay low.

Here's to me coming down and visiting you on the New Dawn at some indefinate time in the future.


S. Clark

Prayin' for ya!!

Good luck and Godspeed. Safe driving, and hope to hear from you soon

Stu Clark


Aw, damnit Jim, I hadda hide tears too.

If you have time, remember to document her pre-storm condition with a digicam for the insurance company. That might prevent some headaches down the road.



Jim, I wouldn't know a halyard from a cleat, but from the high Sierra our thoughts and prayers ride with you, the fur people and your boat.

To better days.


Someday I hope to have a boat all my own.

In the meantime - you, sir, stay safe!
Thoughts and prayers for the safety of all Texans at the mercy of the tempest.

On the bright side, it could be worse.

You could be in disaster-alley: California.


One other question: is it possible to sail south down towards the Yucatan and dodging the storm altogether, or is that an even greater risk?


Safe journey my friend. Give Harley and Ariel nose rubs from me and know you are all in our prayers that your flag will fly over the New Dawn again soon!

Omnibus Driver

Godspeed, Jim. I'll be praying for you and the Sloop New Dawn.

foreign devil

Harley is cool! We're watching with you here in Toronto. Stay safe and keep the kitties dry!


Have a safe journey - I hope it leads you all home again (home being the New Dawn, of course).


Good luck and Godspeed, Jim.

Dave Smith

Prayers and well wishes for you and your cats. Godspeed Jim, and Godspeed New Dawn.


Jim , Be careful and be safe ...Thinking South here , will keep you in my prayers .


I've read the Rita post Looking forward to more Hope the drive north isn't to bad. I called A-man. I too hope that it visits someone else. Sorry about the Ford thing. Luv ya Ga and Rick

LC Wil

God be with ye, from a forever lurker.

My prayers go with you. Now, HAUL ASS! This is already the 5th nastiest hurricane on record. Move yer butt. Life is precious, and all else is small shit.


Good luck and God Bless.

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