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September 21, 2005



I've done a lot of canoeing in bad weather and a lot of portaging when the wind 'took us out' - I know how you feel, I admire your courage, and you definitely have my prayers.


Jim , looks like you have everything figured out and your on your way to a safe place , I hope and pray that the boat will be there when you return , look forward to hearing from you when this is all over with ...BE SAFE AND DRIVE CAREFUL


Good luck! You're on my prayer list.


You know that my thoughts and prayers go with you....be safe, drive careful, and update us when you can.


Good luck, and best wishes. Glad to see you're leaving.


Glad you are leaving... God speed and I will await your return!

Laurence Simon

Malkin and Charles Johnson are my Blog Gods.

Jay G

Best of luck, Jim.

Here's hoping that heartless bitch Rita misses Sloop New Dawn.



All the best, Jim. I'm keeping you and New Dawn in my prayers. I'm glad you didn't decide to ride out that monster storm, did think you might sail for calmer waters, but I'm sure you thought about what was best. God speed, Captain.


Track Hurricane Rita here

I've provided a useful link for tracking hurricane rita.

Please everybody, be careful, be safe, and God speed.



Be safe Capt. If there is any doubt, you made the right choice.


I've been thinking of you since yesterday...and praying. I was going to call, but our calls always seem so hurried anyway, and I knew you'd be packing up to head to distant ground.

You're in my thoughts.

Kevin Baker

Good luck to the New Dawn.

I know you'll be OK, you old fart!


Safe journey and (if it's not too cruel to say so) fair winds, Jim.

Hope you have a good collection of stogies to see you through!

Da Goddess

I'm praying for your safety and that your dear New Dawn survives the storm.

Peace to you, Jim.


Best wishes, Jim, for you, the cats, and the New Dawn. Praying that you'll all be safe...


It has taken me until today to get my butt over here to read your eight Rita posts, but I've been thinking of you since seeing the first projection.
Please do keep us posted; I know I've been a poor reader and a scant bloogger lately, but I'm only a call or email away if you need me, hon.
(...And I LOVE that pic of you and Harley!)


Take care, Jim, and good luck.

We'll be hoping to hear from you soon.


Good luck, my man. Good luck.

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