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September 25, 2005



So, so relieved to hear you're ok honey!

I haven't been near a puter for a few days but I was praying*

Get back to me when you can and give the kitties a cuddle from me x

*and sacrificing the odd lettuce ;)


As you can see, I have connected as you
suggested. We are happy you are OK and it
indeed seems you have power back home. Pre-
scouting is excellent idea. Will contact when U get back to Galveston. Love, D&DS


I forgot you were down in TX, Jim. Be safe.


Glad to hear from you and to hear that the New Dawn appears safe and snug. Be careful on your scouting trip..I am glad you are making it sans furry ones! Let us know what we can do to help out!


*sigh of relief*

An answer to prayer, for sure. Now, if the SND has been kept safe...that will be yet another answered prayer. :)


Keep the updates coming , Good to here everything is fine with u


GLAD you're ok. I was worried because of the traffic. I called Thursday and left you a voice mail. I had to stay at the apartment and rideout the storm. (traffic problems and the job)I'll fill you in when you can call. We did fine and didn't even lose power.
Really glad you and the cats are ok.
Talk to you soon, xoxox

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