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September 19, 2005



If you can put your "necessities" into one rolling two-suiter, check into a nearby hotel and get a 3rd floor room on the leeward side (you'll have to guess which side will be leeward). If you can ride it out, do so, but if you feel like abandoning ship, you'll have the hotel.

This'll work unless TX orders a mandatory evac of Galveston Island.

Oops, forgot about the pusses: what's up with them?


BTW, I have a boat for you to stay on here in OR, Cap'n. Holler if you need me to come and get you.


Be Safe Jim and your Cats : )


George, thanks for the offer. I'll have to be closer to Galveston though to manage the mess.

Looks like Galveston is going to employ the mandatory evacuation option.

I'll post on this in a bit.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

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