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September 28, 2005



Cap'n, you know Mostly Cajun better than I; I've only just read his blog. You know his need, so I'll defer to your judgement on this one.

I sense that he needs some replacement weapons, which I would be happy to loan out to him. All I need is the addy/name of an FFL he knows and I'll get something shootable going his way.

He can have a Savage/Springfield pump 12ga, cylinder bore, 3" chamber, an SP101 in .38 for carry, and a Win Mdl 70 in .243 for longer range (Micrometer peep sight).

If he perfers something smaller and handier in a shotgun, I have an Oak Leaf single, cut down to 18+ inches, in 20 ga.

Please tender my offer, post haste.



Jim, many prayers for you were answered. I am so grateful This post directed to M.C. will certainly generate more prayers for him. Not to forget prayers of thankfulness for dear Rivrdog. He has been a faithful friend in these terrible times.


Jim, glad to see your beloved boat is safe and sound. Proof positive that prayers work miracles. MC sending prayers Texas style to you and yours.


Jim , Was very nice to get your call and here your voice and to know you are ok!! I Will keep praying for you & cats and your Host Family on your return trips back to your homes, Drive Safe !!

On the same note so sorry to here what happen to your friend Dale


That's a bummer about Dale. If I didn't have so many bills right now (damn lawyers), I'd drop him a good-sized chunk o' money. I'll see what I can do come payday.

I suspect what happened to Dale is he had water coming in through the roof, and down inside the walls (since he couldn't see the extent of the damage), which caused something to short, creating a hot spot and then the fire.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but to learn what we can about what happened to Dale; if you see that kind of water damage coming down from the roof - and you don't know the extent of it, turn off the electricity until you can get the walls dried out or determine the extent of the damage.

This really sucks. I feel sorry for Dale.




Perhaps I'm blind, but I couldn't find a PayPal link on his (Dale's) site for donations. Are YOU taking up a collection?



Glad ND, cats and you are safe.
Prayers still goin' on for others, including Dale, your host family and some close friends who will have to rebuild.


I am glad everything is okay with you...another answered prayer. As for Dale, I am praying.


Prayer works. :-D


My prayers go out to Dale. Forces of nature affect us all in some manner. Glad to hear you and kitties are safe.

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