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October 05, 2005



Jim - So glad New Dawn survived. Be warned there is gonna be a blogmeet in Austin in the Spring. You better be there!


Thanks for the update RiverDog , On another note it feels like 50 degrees here , A Blue Northern Blew in here in North Texas .......and wow it is cold!!


Same Norther that gave us 3" of cold rain a week ago, and parts of the Plains some snow...

Feels good, I bet, after the scorcher of a summer.


Oh yea Riverdog , It does feel good : )
All my Family Live up in Oregon , Klamath Falls Area , They say it has been cold there for a while now , I reamber when I was there Last year In April , it Rained , Hailed and Snowed all in the same day and the sun came out , Oregon has weird Weather......to cold for me there : )


Thanks for the update Rivrdog.


Jim, it was great talking to you the other day, and I'm looking forward to you getting back online.

Rivrdog, thanks for keeping us up to date. Things will get back to normal in the Gulf someday (soon, I hope), but in the meantime you've been great for helping out.


Hope all's well honey, drop me a line when you get back online?


Tango Uniform? That would be a backless bias-cut dress for her, and tight pants and a loose white shirt for him, right?

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