What would you think if I were to suggest that the 13th Amendment to the Constitution might be repealed? Or, at least rendered of no effect, and that in our age.
That the foul practice of slavery might once again stain our soil, that our fellow man find himself as chattel. Less than a whole man, or woman.
Most would reply in anger that the white Southern rednecks have had their day. That the battle to end slavery happened over 150 years ago. And that one ought hang his head in shame for even thinking of reviving that peculiar institution; rightly seen as an infamous stain in our history.
That person would be right to find offense, yet so wrong in their direction of their ire.
For it is the apologists of the left, the useful fools of Lenin's unwitting fifth-column who now assidiously rally 'round the cause of the anarchy of unchecked, illegal immigration. And it is the employer, oft on the right, who quietly ascede to the virtual enslavement of these millions, selling their soul and the heart of the nation, for naught but thier thirty pieces of silver.
Mostly Cajun takes the left, and the right before the mast, and his lash lies bloody on the deck, having flayed the hide of those who for their own gain, embrace the enslavement of their fellow man.
This isn’t a partisan issue: The liberals want slave labour to act as domestic servants and a captive voting bloc, while the conservatives want cheap labour to keep the costs of doing business down, thereby lowering the costs of goods. But, that’s not the end of the story.
The rest of the story is worth your while.
And will make you think.
Rivrdog has an idea for getting a handle on the illegal immigration problem.
Think about it for a minute. There is somewhere between 20 and 200 billion dollars a year going across the border from illegals. Most all of it is sent via electronic means.
The phrase "follow the money" is never a bad lead for an investigator, as Rivrdog so ably illustrates.
We'll not solve the problem of a generation in a day. Or, this year.
But solving it is not impossible.
It is if the problem is ignored, and deliberately misunderstood; and if we do not have the will to resolve it.
Posted by: Chris Byrne | April 12, 2006 at 12:42 AM
If this is taken as a smaller version of what is going on across the board in this country, it does make perfect sense. Both sides of the political spectrum using a particular issue (or in this case-group of people) to achive their ends. That would be - in the case of Democrats the re-acquistion of power, and on the GOP side - at the very least silently pandering to the supposed intrests of business.
You end up with two loosers here. America - which sees it's laws and borders mocked or ignored. And the human beings used as pawns (ignoring security issues and the criminal eliment which are also taking advantage of the situation).
I submit to you Jim (and Riverdog - old salt) this issue has the potential to become the one major concern which could propel us into a "hot" civil war. I hope (if only because of the loss of lives that would result) I am wrong.
Posted by: Guy S | April 12, 2006 at 07:55 AM