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April 10, 2006



After Pearl Harbor, a great xenophobia gripped this country, especially the West Coast. Japanese people, even naturalized citizens of Japanese extraction, were rounded up and imprisoned in concentration camps for the duration of the war. When they finally got out of camp after we drove Japan back to their islands, few got their houses, businesses or lands back.

Some say internment was a horrible example of government excess, but it was actually understandable, given the swift and efficient attack on Hawaii, and the following attacks on Alaska, for the poeple to be very afraid of the Japanese, WHO TENDED TO REMAIN IN THEIR CULTURE AFTER GETTING TO THESE SHORES.

Compare (contrast if you can, I can't) with the Mexicans, who invade illegally (plus factor for worry, the Japanese all were legally admitted), remain in their culture, and even demand services in their own language (the Japanese didn't, they quickly learned English, much more difficult for them than it is for Mexicans).

Add to that the fact that they are encouraged by their own government to illegally invade this country in their millions so that they will send back the big dollars, so that the Mexican government can tax less and spend more, and the end result is that we have an enemy at the gates.

Except we don't have any gates, so the enemy is among us.

Come to Rivrdog blog for my not unique, but never-discussed solution to this issue.

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