Or, Capture, if you will.
I've long wanted to employ this tool as a spam reducer, and thankfully, TypePad has provided it.
From now on, immediately after you offer your comments, you'll see the above window, with randomly generated alphanumeric characters. Just type what you see in the window provided, and in so doing, you'll prove you're not a spambot.
We hastes the spammers, we hateses them very much indeed.
I like this, because it requires absolutely no registration. I hate TypeKey, and that with a passion.
CAPTCHA though, rocks. I hope you won't mind the extra simple step it takes to use it.
So, you very few who still read Smoke on the Water..... thanks!
Lovely stuff, spam.
I dearly hope there's an excessively hot spot in hell for spammers...
Posted by: mostly cajun | April 21, 2006 at 08:15 PM
Though I don't use one myself, I installed a captcha for a friend of a friend, and she's ecstatic about the results. If I ever get seriously inundated, I'll consider using one myself.
Posted by: Russ | April 23, 2006 at 02:24 AM
I don't mind it for stuff like this but I drew the line with the shit on Yahoo Mail. I used it for years, then they brought in the CAPTCHA, which was fine BUT, if you couldn't see the letters/numbers well enough or you missed one you get this dang message that says "Character String Verification Failed" Your message was not sent and will not be saved. After typing several long messages and getting that message, I switched over to Gmail and sent Yahoo some nasty feedback.
Posted by: Lisa W. | April 25, 2006 at 05:47 PM
CAPTCHA at yahoo is driving me crazy. Unless they find a less intrusive approach and address my complaints they will soon loose me as a paying customer.–Tom
Posted by: Tom | May 11, 2006 at 03:33 PM