Truly, there is nothing new under the Sun.
Pretty much, every blogger on the side of sanity has amply covered political issues such as immigration, Constitutional gun-rights, budgets & pork and many other such concerns. There is little, or anything that I can add to the gathering of facts, analysis, pontification and argument.
What I can do though, is to add my voice to the chorus, stand shoulder-to alongside my brothers and sisters at arms, and to do my part to stand firm in the breach, against the onslaught.
Though each special interest has it's own reason, justifiable passion and is of dire concern to the future of We the People, and to our Nation, the sum of them as a whole paints a much more disturbing picture.
Before us, we have many skirmishes. The sadly misnamed War on Terror, which rightly is the First Terrorist War. And it has been engaged since at least the fall of the Shah of Iran. And until we rightly struck back after 9/11, we had lost every battle in that war. And those, sadly, by forfiet.
And even now, the left would have us forfiet the victory we've won thus far. "Bring 'em home" they say, while remaining blissfully igrnorant of the fact that so doing would not only bring our own troops home, but would open the way to "bring home the jihadists" to these very shores. It took them two tries to fell the World Trade Centers. I prefer not to give them any more "at-bats" on this soil.
I prefer to not open the way for the erstwhile Caliphate to regroup and rearm on their terms, unmolested by the will and might of the Arsenals of Western Enlightenment. Like a burkah on the mind, the mullahs wish to cloak the soul in darkness. And the left embraces them, all while singing the praises of (un)-Holy Tolerance.
We have the battle of Individual Sovereignty versus Collectivism. Which, though fought all through the twentieth century, still flares up in scenes of street radicals with their giant paper-maiche puppets, marxist protest posters and intellectually empty signs and posters making all manner of insane accusations against this Nation, The President, capitalism and corporatism.
Though small in comparison to their progenitors of the sixties and seventies, the offspring of the hairy-armpitted, Birkenstock-hooved swine of the left would still forfeit the freedom of the individual for their dream of an Orwellian State. Though comedic and laughable in substance, they remain dangerous in fact; an un-excised cancer in the body politic.
Most interestingly though, in this context, we now fight the Battle of Information versus Mis-Information. And it is here that we find ourselves, in the front lines of the hot war.
Our enemies, and yes, I use enemies quite deliberately, are formidable. They have the carriers, the air-power and the ability to project force unmatched in all of human history. Their carriers are named CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN and to a lesser degree, Fox.... which vaccilates. Their Air-Power is hundreds of hours of broadcast and cable hours, flooding incessantly outward and bearing upon their waves, lies, deceit and perhaps worst of all, the misdirection of the absence of good news, that which would bouy the spirit, bolster the soul and bring courage to the otherwise uninformed masses who like a blank slate, are written upon by the broadcasts.
And thier logistic columns of liberal professors, corrupt publications, periodicals and newspapers; formidable.
But I don't pretend that my puny blog will affect a single change. I write this only to make my voice known to my fellow warriors in the cause, to add one strength to our line.
Make no mistake. We are at war, and that with ourselves. Though this Second Civil War has not erupted in fire and flames, nor have sides borne uniform and formed ranks, we are at war, one with another, in a War of Ideas, and Idealologies.
My battlefield truly is not here on this screen. My preception is that largely, we find the 'net and the erstwhile blogosphere to be a point of refuge, to rally, re-strengthen and regroup, in order to step back into the real world, and wage the battle anew.
And that friends, is the battlefield. The Real World.
The one in which you work, shop, bank, live.
I have found that I can point people to all manner of links, blogs, essays, argumentatives and polemics. And all for naught, unless driven home by the power of individual persuasion, conviction and passion. Much as taking a GFW to their first time to a range might open their eyes to the fact that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is the hallmark of a free people, taking the time to discuss, persuade and otherwise enlighten even one Soccer Mom is a victory on the order of the Battle of....... every one of the millions upon millions of namleess skirmishes which made up the whole of WW II.
We know of the theaters of war, the campaigns, the major battles.
Yet ultimately, it was the inestimable guts and will of the individual soldier which turned the tide of the Axis hoardes, and defeated them. Every shot was fired by a trigger pulled, and those, in the billions.
And along the way, hundreds of thousands of American and Allied Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen died, giving their lives in the ultimate sacrafice of freedom.
To which our media today would decry; "Too many! Too awful! We've lost, we must bring them Home!"
What an insult to those who died, to those who offered up their sons and daughters in the service of freedom.
An insult to us all, moreover, their declaration of war on the body politic, the very essense of Americanism, and our justifiable pride in our Nation, our People and our History.
So, like the lone troop in the foxhole, I implore those few who still read here.
When away from your screen, when not glued to your keyboard, Go Into Battle! Find among the fringes of the lunatic left, those who can yet still argue with reason, who can give consideration to facts, who are not yet lost to the darkness and paranoia and rabid hysteria of the true-believers of their cause.
We'll not win this cause, fighting keyboard to keyboard with the kos-es and D.U.s of this world. Those acolytes are gone and lost forever to the insanity of the left.
Who you can save though, do! Be it your lawyer or lawnkeeper, find cause to converse with these people in your world, find the space in their mind in which you may apply your lever, and move their world.
And in so doing, save your own.
Our future demands that you do.
Excellent essay sir. You haven't lost a thing.
One small quibble: where you said, "Though this Second Civil War has not erupted in fire and flames...", I would have put in a "yet" between "not" and "erupted".
It's coming, the fire and flames, because there can't be enough of the gentle suasion you recommend to make a difference.
Posted by: Rivrdog | April 08, 2006 at 05:49 PM
Glad to see you back Jim, things were gettin a bit lonely out here without ya.
Lesse, Kim is back to his old prolific self, even if he hasnt written anything mroe than page length in a while, Guy is back up and running, now you show back up..
Hell the only thing I'd need for near perfection would be to get Den Beste back again.
Anyway, drop me a line of you want to catch up.
Fair winds and following seas friend.
Posted by: Chris Byrne | April 08, 2006 at 06:21 PM
Great rebirth Jim. I can only hope you will continue to spread some sanity on this deeply troubled land.
Posted by: Cart Williams | April 11, 2006 at 06:29 PM
GREAT to see you back. Small tiny little request? Any chance you can either use a darker gray, or go right to black typescript? That gray on white is hard on poor ol' colorblind grizzlies like me.
Posted by: the friendly grizzly | April 25, 2006 at 06:10 AM