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April 27, 2006



Yep, we're winning the war in Iraq. Might have enough success to call it good by November.

It doesn't matter.

Between Bush kowtowing to every libtard initiative that comes along, making his presidency have a fine liberal legislative record, turning off 35% of '04 voters for him who will now vote with their feet, and 85% of those who voted for Kerry saying they will vote for the (D)onk candidate in '08, even if it is Chester the Molester, the Presidency is gone for the conservatives.

It's looking more likely that the House majority could go away this fall, and the Senate as well. That would mean that Bush will get to do nothing in his last two years but hide behind lawyers as the (D)onks try to impeach him.

For you and I, it's time to finish building our gun and ammo TO&E, and start dispersing it to the classified locations. I expect that the (D)onks won't take TOO long to begin putting the screws to the Second after they take over, and of course, Bush will think he can buy time with them by signing whatever piece of shit legislation that they come up with and ram through Congress.

Time to make our plans, Cap'n, plans for sailing in enemy waters. We get to those dangerous waters in the turns of just a few glasses now.

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