A bit late to the blogosphere in posting an Easter greeting, but then, I've missed no small number of notable occassions these past few months.
But to think that I celebrate the Ressurection of my Lord and Savior any the less, would be quite incorrect. For me, chief (#2 in line behind Paul, it would seem) of sinners.... abide in the hope and faith that is given by His eternal life, which He gives so freely to me.
Now, whether you believe with me that Jesus is Lord, or not, is of no matter to this particular post. This is not a religious blog, nor am I a particularly sterling person to follow in the faith.
And so, even if you're the most Godless athiest who yet loves his country and cherishes this American society of ours for the freedom of religon, or the freedom to eschew religion, this essay, so powerfully stated by Mr. Gerard VanDerLeun..... ought to resonate in your mind. And in your heart.
For it exposes the Judases in our midsts. Judases who even today, proffer their kisses of betrayal for their thirty pieces of silver.
Or fifteen minutes of fame. Their quest of high office from which they can futher sell out this Nation, unique in all of history.
They have neither shame....... nor courage:
Your gedankenexperiment for today is to ask yourself, regardless of your religious beliefs, if the editors of National Geographic, being given an ancient manuscript that "proved" the Koran was nothing more than the blatherings of some ergot-besotted Bedouin who had munched one too many hallucinogenic plants while hanging out in a cave near Mecca, would have published the same "proof" as loudly and as broadly? Would they have done so, or would they have issued a Press Release citing concerns for the "provenance" of the manuscript and their employees' safety? Regardless of your religious beliefs, you know the shameful answer.
You owe it to yourself to read the whole thing.
You owe it to our furture to ensure that others do, too. As many as you possibly can.
i owed it to myself and did read it and it was amazing. thanks for sharing.
Posted by: afromabq | April 17, 2006 at 02:34 PM
And while your protecting our Texas southern shores of Galveston Bay,,,,I know my son is protecting the far most outer perimeter of our country..
Happy to be reading you again Captain!!!
Posted by: Sue | April 17, 2006 at 06:36 PM
Thank you for the very kind and flattering recommendation.
Posted by: Van der Leun | April 17, 2006 at 11:01 PM
Thanks for posting this one.
Posted by: Indigo | April 19, 2006 at 09:18 PM