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May 01, 2006



Well said!

>>wishing only to enjoy the fruits of American prosperity, without being first and foremost; American

It is my contention that being American, that is, embodying as many of the virtues and values of freedom, ingenuity, self determination and independence as one can muster is the very KEY to the creation of that prosperity that we enjoy.

Without doing that, one cannot meaningfully contribute, and if one is not contributing, one becomes a parasite.

And this brings me to another worry.

Unfortunately, we the productive must also carry the dead weight of our own society, and our own "citizens" (and I use that term loosely) alone supply us with.

I'm not talking about the genuinely sick, injured and disabled. Conscience and compassion dictates that we must make allowances.

I'm not talking about the retired, who have done their share, and earned the right to set aside their tools, and bank their fires.

I'm talking about the useless. The gamesters, who play every angle and card that they can, abusing the benevolence. I'm talking about the cheaters, the small minded men and women who have wormed their way into the bodies corporate and bureaus, who produce little, and whose efforts are mainly bent towards perception management and fiefdom preservation. I'm talking about those who view a traffic accident not as a problem to be avoided, but as an opportunity to be exploited.

We welcome all who thirst not for the material result of being an American, but those who hunger for the spiritual essence of what it is to be an American to join us, become One Of Us, work by our side, and enjoy the just fruits of our labors.

God knows we need more of US, because half of our own people just don't get it.


Very well said, sir.

And also let us not forget to go to the range, for the most basic understanding of statistics will tell us that a percentage of these reconquistadores will not stop at flag-waving, but will probably want to go to guns, and when they do, inflict grave damage upon our communities.

We need to be ready to remind them, in the most final sense, that their invasion has been repulsed, with great prejudice.

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