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May 03, 2006



Ah, a wonderful rant combining Mexican criminals, faggots and Beltane? How does he do it?

BTW, I am celebrating May 5th with corned beef and cabbage with boiled potatoes. A fine Irish whiskey will also be served and there won't be a jalapeno in sight.


I'll be celebrating on May 5th. Honest.

Stinkodemayo, a new holiday celebrated at my yacht club with Fargarettas.

Still don't believe me? I couldn't make this up if I tried.


It is the prelude to Opening Day, the beginning of the yachting season hereabouts. The next day, were you in the right place on the Columbia River, you could see many millions of dollars worth of shiny plastic boats, some freshly-painted wooden craft, and lots of happy boaters all decked out in their finest.


Why thank you, Jim. I didn't want to sugarcoat it like that, but there are delicate readers to consider.

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