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June 29, 2006



Great words, Jim. Thanks for writing them.

Lisa W.

Great post Jim


Jim .. Well said. Thank you. DJS


Hi jim,
I just linked you, not because I felt that I I had to, but good southern manners demanded it.
I write poorly.

Rob was a blog/email/comment friend that I can never replace.

I have used your masthead on my blog in a tribute to Acidman.

I will miss him and will continue to do my own thing.

I like your writing.
I have designed and built some fine small yachts and big catamarans in my life.



Jim not jim.


Fine eulogy, Cap'n.

Two things:
1. Why do we all save our best work for dead friends?

2. I sense that a great brotherhood has assembled to honor Rob Smith. I feel the power of this brotherhood, and it is invincible. I pray to God that we retain these bonds of strength, for the very Truth that Rob fought so hard to illustrate is under severe attack and requires a vigorous defense.



Thanks Jim.


Jim, now is when the blogosphere needs blogfriends of Robs to pick up the slack. His close friends, who knew him best, and who were drawn to him by commonalities that you can now write about.

Me, I can't write for shit, which is why I read.


Beautiful words Jim. I don't know how I missed your blog until now but I can see why he liked yours.


"Dragged off and shot." You did it, Jim - your tribute made me laugh.

Just Damn.


Excellent Post Jim!!

Nuff said...



Well said, darlin'.

I'm sure Rob's laughing his duck off at that last comment, too ;)

Jim - PRS

Terrific post.

dragonfly jenny

Beautiful, Jim.


Well said, Jim.


"Me, I can't write for shit, which is why I read."

Me neither, but, Jim, that is one of the best I've had the pleasure to read about Rob.

Thanks for sharing.

Da Goddess

I'm just now getting around to reading a few of the things other bloggers are saying about Rob and damn if you didn't make me start tearing up again.


Good heavens, that was about the most beautiful, exhilirating personal tribute to Rob I have read thus far ... wow!


You always had a way of saying things in the most poetic way possible... See why we encouraged you to write?!

Sorry I wasn't here earlier. My trackbacks rarely work, but that is no excuse. I've really only started posting again since Rob's death. And I am still working throught he roll, often stumbling across links to his posts, trackbacks from my own place even, stuff in my archives, things I don't even remember! Time flies, right?

Still very strange, it is. Hey, ya know, maybe one day I'll meet the rest of my blog family. hint, hint... ; )

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