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June 29, 2006


Lisa W.

Already done darlin' and I had fun with the gang tonight...it just got uglier after you left the IRC chat...and dirtier...heh heh heh...


We can use a few more people who appreciate the TRUTH, as I told Cindi in her Comments.

And ya know, Cap'n, anymore, I don't give a got-dam what political stripe a purveyor of the TRUTH has on their back, it's the same color as the stripe on mine, and that's good enough for me.

Our enemies are those who refuse to use logic, reason, truth and civility. Whatever political side those who DO use those all-important qualities come from is FAR less important than the fact that they have and use those qualities.

We need to use our blogs now to check those stripes and then get this pride of smart, truthful and civil lions together to do a little hunting and eating. There are a lot of food animals out there now, Cap'n, so none in our pride will ever go hungry.


Hi Jim,
I'm glad you've got his back.
Kim have told us many times that you are very good.
I left a poem/rhyme for us at my site.



In similar news, did anyone notice the flesh and blood baby announcement posted in the comments on GR? *grin*
Blogfather and Godfather. Indeed!


I love that everywhere I go, bloggers are writing volumes. Nice post. I'm about to go send a tiny launch to Cindi as well. Thanks for the links and the great convo last night. That chat did me a world of good.


Oh Jim! I was not expecting this at all! I was off work today and spent the whole day with my parents. Just got home not long ago, checked my email and found all the wonderful comments! Came here, and when I read this post...uh... all the emotions I have been feeling came to the forefront again and here I am sitting here fighting back the tears. Thank you so much.

Now is the scary as hell part. I have so much I want to say on my blog but I am worrying about saying things the right way. Whatever that is! I am just going to be myself and if I sound like a doofus...oh well! Thanks again for the kind words.


These blog people can become friends. Most of them are very nice and will support you and your writings, Cat

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