Here at Smoke on the Water, this year's Flag Day is dedicated to the heroes and heroines of the United States Marine Corps.
The past few weeks have been a witness to a particularly rabid series of attacks on the Corps by not only the jihadists, but a cadre of even craftier enemies; the press.
But just as Zarqawi met his fate but a week ago, so also shall the Fifth Column of the Fourth Estate meet with the abject failure of low ratings, falling circulation, public aprobation and the disdain of history.
So, Marines.... Semper Fi, from a long-ago Airman. It is with no small pride that I dedicate this year's Flag Day to the Corps.
May you continue to defeat your enemies at CNN, ABC, CBS, NYT, PBS, NBC, BBC, Time, Newsweek and every other bastion of subversive propaganda.
May the traitors from your ranks find defeat, digrace and dishonor with every breath they take until the day they die. This means you, Murtha.
May the songs of your victories cause anguish to your enemies, be they foreign or domestic.
May the Flag of the Corps fly proudly, ever so long as the Flag of the United States of America still waves.
Carry on, Marines, carry on.
Semper Fi.
Posted by: Bob Baird | June 15, 2006 at 10:28 PM
Here is a great tribute a mother did for her fallen son, a Marine. An excellent paint job on a H3 Hummer
Posted by: FishOrMan | June 24, 2006 at 11:31 AM