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July 24, 2006



Couple of things, Cap'n. First, bag every piece of electronic gear on your boat in plastic so the fumes don't get to them, they are deadly on such gear.

Second, what does "showable condition" mean? You're not getting ready to sell the New Dawn, are you? If you are, I hope you are getting a larger boat. Two-foot rule is in effect.

Range for me too, but probably not until the end of the week. Tomorrow, I pick up a new carbine and one of the SAPD Glocks which I bought last week and which just came in to my FFL.

Gotta break in the carbine, a Kel-Tec Sub Rifle in 9mm. Wonder how fast I can dump a 30-round magazine down the barrel? Be fun timing all that.


Ah the life of a seafaring man.... Harley is a cutie. Is it me or have there been a lot more cat blogging since we lost Acidman?

Lisa W.

Harley is a cutie... you going for the Elisson look with that shirt? :)


Oh Jim. I wish I would have known. I am so sorry about your loss...I know you loved Miss Ariel very much. How is Harley doing losing his beloved life-long partner??

Should you need anything, please call me. Cingular finally worked out the kinks in my cell...so calls should be coming through now.

I am sending you my warmest hugs and love.


I'd take a Kitty draped around me a lot quicker than a parrot! I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Ariel.

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