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July 18, 2006



Jim, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how important you kitties are to you.
I'll be thinking of you.


I just came across your site while blog hopping. Sorry to hear about your loss. My cat is 11 and I'm not looking forward to this day. We send our condolences.



My deepest sympathies for your loss. It's been a few years since we lost our last little one. He was sixteen and as Senior Cat his job was to wake up on command (a task he did faithfully and well). Had him at the vet for what I thought was a bad tooth and found out it was cancer. Had to call my wife and make the decision then and there (since we didn't want him to suffer any more).

They may be gone from our hands but they're never gone from our hearts.

Lisa W.

Jim, I'm so sorry to hear about your Ariel. Our cat is aging now and the worries of this are surfacing more and more.
Sending hugs & thoughts from way up north.


I'm so sorry for your loss, Jim.


My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so sorry that you have suffered this loss.
Huge Hugssssssssss

El Capitan

Sorry to hear it, Jim. I've heard it said that while a person can adopt other cats, the ones that pass on can never be replaced.

Here's hoping Ariel finds herself in a world of abundant mice, fresh catnip, and no dogs at all.




I'm so sorry to heat about Ariel. I'm glad it was quick and you could be with her. Sounds like a nice resting place you have picked.


Jim, condolences to you buddy... we lost our beloved Sadie back in January and I was surprised at how much that hurt.

We now have our own Harley and though he'll never replace Sadie, he's making his own mark on us and has filled, though not completely, a void left by Sadie's departure.

Here's hoping your void is filled (as full as it can be) soon...


Awww, man - you have my condolences. Ya know they will die eventually, but it still sucks when it happens. At least you got to say goodbye. Hang in there, buddy.


I'm very sorry to hear about Ariel. Extra skritchies for our kitties tonight in sympathy.


Oh, I'm so sorry. My heart breaks for you.


My condolences and deepest sympathy for you and Harley. Your ship's cat did what mine did before joining St. Peter's Company of such stalwart guardians: he gave you all her love and life, lo these many years.

Both our stalwarts now prowl the Heavenly docks together, and woe betide those devilish Wharf Rats!


My condolences. I have only had to put a pet down once so far and I know how emotionally tough it is. You did the right thing for Ariel. She was lucky to have you.


Animals are special. We become more special for knowing them. Unconditional love and lots of laughs. Condolences.

mostly cajun


You have my sympathies. Pets are little friends and the loss when one is gone is great. I know how you feel.



Jim, my heart goes out to you. Those of us who have cats as Companion Animals often have to deal with the consequences of our disparate lifespans, yet Ariel was by no means an elderly cat. Our Matata is about the same age, and we could not imagine being without her.

It's painful to lose a Kitty Friend. Please accept my condolences.


Aw, man ... I'm so sorry.

From one who knows how bad you're hurting,


Mo K.

Our pets are family.
We understand all too well, Jim. We lost our beloved Westie "Darwin" 1.5 yrs ago, and we still miss him. We like to think of "Rainbow Bridge", one day.
Be comforted.


My condolances. I went through this over Memorial Day with my 14 year old Boykin Spaniel, Sassy. I rather doubt that I did Xeno of Cittum proud that day.


I am so sorry about Ariel. I am glad you were there with her when she left this world. That is my biggest regret when my dear kitty Moko passed away nearly six years ago. At the vet's office before they put her to sleep, I held her and can still remember so vividly.... gently placing a hand on each side of her face and kissing her nose and telling her how much I loved her. I just couldn't make myself go all the way with her. I have felt so much guilt over not staying with her when the vet took her to the "other room". At the time I felt I couldn't bear it but have felt guilt all these years for not staying by her side till the end. It makes me weep thinking about it.


So sorry for your loss, pets are such a huge part of our lives. We have had to make the same choice for 2 of our beloved pets and it leaves such a void. They do live on in our hearts. I came across your blog because of Gutrumbles - Acidman would appreciate the irony...hugs to Harley.




I'm so sorry for the loss of your Ariel. What a lovely and oh so appropriate name for a ship's cat. She calms the tempest on different seas now, but know that she waits for you there.

Thank you so much for your understanding.

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