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August 20, 2006



Actually, Cap'n, the Hildebeest frontal attack is preferable to the death of a thousand cuts that we've been suffering these last 30 or 40 years.

With the frontal attack, the wrongness of the Left's plan vis-a-vis the Second Amendment is plain to see, and it's much easier to get more ordinary folk involved in the defense of the Second, maybe even to the point of strengthening it.

With the death of a thousand cuts, each cut is not of earthshaking significance, so the general public ignores these little trespasses against the Second.

An added advantage of the frontal attack is that the entire MSM would support it, and the public would get to see what enemies of the state the Fourth Estate has become, the better to put them back in their place.

Nope, I'm not wishing for a Shrillary victory, but I can handle her frontal attack.

Bring it on.


I should also note that I'd much prefer death by water torture to a "full frontal attack" from Hillary.

*claws at eyes*


Damn. I'd made a fairly long comment prior to my above post, but it appears I was overzealous and it did not get posted for whatever reason.

Short of it was: if Hillary does come to power, she will bring with her all the communist/socialist vices that are so aborrent to our American Constitution. If that's the case, I hope she reaps the whirlwind. If she does not, we will know for certain whether the American Experiment has finally failed, and won't have to continue rotting slowly.


Thanks for the information...
I will not part with my guns.
No way. No how.
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one


I know I'm going to be sorry I got into this but I just have to say that I was a Democrat for many years and compared to you, I'd be called a liberal, although I think of myself as a moderate. But I've supported private gun rights all my life and I would rather see us nuked than see Hillary president of this country. And I wasn't fond of Slick Willie either.

The reason I bother to say any of this is that it worries me when I see the fight defined as between liberals and conservatives or Democrats against Republicans. That's not what it is anymore.

I just wish we could spend more time finding our common ground because the real fight is between the professional politicians and us -- the people. I don't care what party they're in, unless you're in the top 1% of the income holders, they're all screwing the rest of us. I think the answer is to dump the incumbents. Every bleeding one of them. And make sure we elect people who understand they're accountable to us.


Harry I told you you couldn't trust Hill-a-beans.


Thanks for the place on your blogroll.

From the outside.
Democrats use the gun (2nd amendment) to focus your thoughts elsewhere and then pass the laws/regulation they want.

If you keep on passing nanny laws, you will turn into Europe and then a new province of the Caliphate.


just checking on you.
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Cool Raggedy one


checking in again...
Have a beautiful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Cool Raggedy one


checking in again...
Have a beautiful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Cool Raggedy one


Long time, no new posts. Hope you're okay.


I take it you've given up blogging altogether?


*hears a pin drop*
I sure hope all is well with you.

Sean Mallory

Somebody needs to off this BITCH before she gets the power to do any more dammage!!!!


I'd be glad to do it!!!!!!!

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