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October 24, 2006


Chris Byrne

My god, you're alive. I'm shocked ;-)

Lisa W

Jim, you're alive!!!
That was a funny one...I think I heard it a long time ago, but it's still a goody.


WTG...now do it with more frequency...good to see humor back in your line. Looking towards more "frequent lines" in the future.


.....so we can call off the search party?

Good to see you back again, Capt. As someone who has a "Run, Hillary, Run" on the front bumper of my Sky Blue chick-magnet WindStar, I never get tired of that joke

Mrs. du Toit

Jim. Can't reach you. Call us.


... heh!...


Did you see the one on Wicked Thoughts this morning?

Chris Stevens

Hey Jim,
Long time no post...

I am looking forward to seeing you at the breakfast on Dec. 9th.

I wonder if you could pop a thread up and/or at least drop on over and post your thoughts on my blog.

Thanks - See Ya'


LOL. Well, this libbytard thought it was funny. It was a new one on me.

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