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December 16, 2006



That's too bad, another iconic Texas mainstay falling prey to the dreaded political correctness.

Growning up in the Corpus Christi area (Portland, to be specific), there was an H-E-B a couple of blocks from the house. I'm dating myself here, but in the late 1960's / early 1970's H-E-B was on to the Space Craze big time; I still have a two inch tall pile of H-E-B / NASA 8 by 10 photos from one of the store's promtions. NASA photos from a grocery store make quite a mark on a young boy, I've held H-E-B in high regard ever since.

Until now.


You did inadvertantly give the address. Go to their website. At the bottom, click on Contact Us and make your comment on the bottom of the form. Worked for me.
Merry Christmas!


Incredible...although not really all that surprising, I guess. I went to the UPS store today and asked to buy a book of stamps. He gave me a book of stamps alright, but they were snowflake stamps. So I said...do you have any others? I'm trying to send out Christmas cards. "Nope, that's all we have. Snowflakes...that'll be perfect for Christmas cards!"

I wasn't going to hold up the line, and I had my stamps, so I just left. I live in FLORIDA...there are NO SNOWFLAKES here! We have Christmas without snowflakes! Why not have CHRISTMAS stamps with CHRIST on them??? GAAAAAHHH!!!!


GAAAAAHHH!! is right. HEB really screwed up.


Tag, you're it.

John Powers

I apologize for my email, I am a Priest within my Latter Day Sainst Faith, and my wife is a missionary in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. She teaches English at a high school there. There is a major crisis there, in the cities of Santa Cruz, and Beni. It has been storming every day for over two months, As a consequence there is no ground transportation ability. People are suffering because of no food or drinking warer and medical sup-plies. Mosquitos are transmitting serious diseases. The Government of Bolivia is unable to assist these communities. Cattle are even drowning due to deep waters. I beseech you to help me find the goods the people urgently need. I will provide you with as many referances as you wish. Just help me please. I would even need a way to transport materials there.
Please respond. The Red Cross does not respond to me, and I am a volunteer there,
Sincerely, John Powers

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