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December 09, 2006


Mark Reiff


It was good to meet you at this morning's discussion event. Unfortunately we didn't get a chance to speek one-on-one.

I am plugged into the blogosphere (as you can see from my blogroll on my blog at Reiff on Life and have been trying to educate our local GOP leaders on issues discussed by conservative bloggers (and even a few liberal ones) that we should be considering and using to focus our message to the voters.

Unfortunately Galveston County is still in pre-Internet communications mode most of the time and it is a struggle to get people to even read short, critical e-mails let alone website content. I am afraid expecting them to drink from the blog firehose is extremely ambitious. But we can encourage them to visit key blogs for specific threads immediately relivent to them. Keep up the good work.

Pardon me for raiding your blogroll for links to add to mine. You are welcome to do the same with mine (we already have some common links.)

Mark Reiff
Precinct 467 Chairman and e-insurgent


Excellent sites listed, Jim.

Chris Byrne

Jim I'm crushed, no mention man... shame on you ;-)

Now, go forth and post some more.


Thank you very kindly for the recommend!


Nice aggregation, Jim-o. One caveat: you mis-linked Random Nuclear Strikes; the URL should be http://www.softgreenglow.com/wp/ .

Ok, two - I'm not listed. :P But that's just fine; I realize I'm not the most prolific or insightful bloggist out there.


You overlooked The First Blogger, and whose conservative credentials are impeccable:


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