They say that "luck", is when hard work, preparation and opportunity meet.
I guess you could say that Steve is a very lucky man. Me, I say that he worked his ass off, and spent his years in law school and his time as an attorney, preparing.
The raw material which was the Nigerian spammers gave him his opportunity, and his hard work in hours upon untold hours of writing produced this:
Not only does Steve have the singular honor of having landed a couple of fine publishing contracts, he preceeded himself in the self-published world, authoring "Eat What You Want, and Die Like a Man." If you've not bought your copy of that one, you're missing some of the choicest recipies and humor ever to hit the ship's galley.
And for dessert?
How 'bout an appearence tomorrow morning as a guest on Fox News? No, I'm not kidding.... don't believe me? Here's Steve in his own words:
I am a Talking Head
I am spazzing worse than Tiger Woods.
Tomorrow a car will arrive to take me to a local studio so I can appear on a Fox show. TOMORROW. I figured stuff like this was months or a year away, but it's TOMORROW.
All I lack right now is the time and segment~host name. Otherwise, I'd already have the recorder all set-up and ready to roll.
Keep your eye on Hog on Ice. I believe this won't be the last of his good news; only the beginning.
Well done, Mr. Graham, well done, indeed.
Jim, I meant to comment sooner. It has been a tiring day. Thanks so much for the kind words and the ad, and also for that time you tried to land an interview for me. I will not forget.
Posted by: Steve H. | February 27, 2007 at 10:03 PM
Cap't Jim: good to see you back at the helm.
I've been reading Steve H. Graham almost as long as I've been a SoTW reader; all the best wishes to S.H.G. I plan on donning my "Welfare causes Poverty" t-shirt and my NRA Shooter's cap and going to the AnnArbor B&N ASAP to pick up a copy. Film at Eleven...
"Eat What You Want, and Die Like a Man." Indeed.
Posted by: Michael | February 27, 2007 at 11:07 PM