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March 31, 2007



I've stated the same thing, although in less flowery language, over and over, since this incident has happened.

When will the US and Britain realize that muslisms, as a whole, only respect strength and action... it's been one of the fundamental bases of their society for several hundred years. For Britain to back down and repeatedly try diplomatic solutions is a win-win situation for the president of Iran.



Bring it on! I'm really tired of this shit, instead of pussy-footing around the issue, show them just what the HELL can happen to them. Just once. PLEASE!
(I'm not holding my breath, either but it would be nice)


I have a suggestion. Buy a Gun Day (April 15th) is hard upon us. I suggest that those wanting to be effective gun owners AND send a message to the Mullahs not only buy a gun on B.A.G. Day, but buy one which can be used on a battlefield.

Let's make this B.A.G. Day a Buy a Military Battle Rifle Day, and publish the fact on our blogs.

Most of the appeasers are anti-gun wussies anyway, so this sword cuts both the named Islamists and their direct and indirect supporters as well.

I'm going to get an eeeevil Kalashnikov rifle, even though I might not carry it, I want to do it just to piss off the above idiots, and as a hedge against the future, wherein I might need an effective rifle but one I could afford to give away.

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