Wasn't it only a few weeks back that Rosie O'Pig opened her stupid pie-hole on national teevee, and claimed something along the lines that "fire has never melted steel?"
Then explain this, you fat moronic sad excuse of a sentient being.
Firefighters investigate a crumbled section of freeway ramp which connects Interstate 80 to Interstate 580 in Oakland, Calif., after a tanker carrying gasoline exploded on Sunday, April 29, 2007. In the resulting blaze, a section of freeway that funnels traffic onto the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed. The truck's driver walked away from the scene and called a taxi, which took him to a nearby hospital with second-degree burns. (AP Photo/Ben Margot)
A section of freeway that funnels traffic off the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed early Sunday after a gasoline tanker truck overturned and caught fire beneath it, authorities said.
The heat was intense enough to melt part of the freeway and cause the collapse, but the truck's driver walked away from the scene with second-degree burns.
That's right, Rosie. A mere 8,800 gallons of ordinary gasoline, burning freely in the open air, between two freeway decks on an Oakland, CA freeway, generated enough heat to not only cause the concrete to harden, spall and separate, but to so soften the steel inside that concrete that it weakened to the point of collapse.
Softened, warped, bent, collapsed and yes, even in some places, melted. Melted steel, you stupid, vacuous bag of walking ignorance and hate!
The fire melted a second interchange from eastbound I-80 to eastbound I-580 located above the first interchange, causing a 250-yard section of the roadway to collapse onto the roadway below, according to the highway patrol.
In comparison, the Twin Towers fires easily generated at least the same amount of heat as the this morning's overpass fire in Oakland.
The reasons are evident to anyone who has ever worked with a forge or smelter.
Each of the Twin Towers became self-structured, thousand-foot tall chimneys, fueled not by only 8,800 gallons of gasoline, but by over ten times that quantity of Jet-A, just for starters. Add to this hundreds of thousands of tons of various combustibles such as carpets, papers, plastics and the like.
And finally, create a ferocious vertical airflow, just as a chimney, created by the steel and glass curtain walls of the Twin Towers.
When a chimney draft is thus created, the amount of oxygen being fed to the fire is not just the mere amount available at ambient atmospheric pressure. No, what occurs in this case is that the hurricane of updraft from the fire's heat convection creates a vacuum at the base of the chimney, thus sucking ever more air in, at higher and higher speeds as the heat and intensity of the fire increases. And correspondingly, the chimney quite literally spews the ejected smoke and heat from the top of the stack. Just as occurred in the Twin Towers.
It is in fact a viscious cycle; a perfect firestorm if you will. Which is why chimneys of all types have various dampers, ranging from the simple one in your home fireplace, to the complex baffles and controls of furnaces found at steel mills and the like. To prevent such a runaway scenario from happening.
I've no doubt that the fires in the Twin Towers were considerably hotter than today's Oakland Overpass fire.
Both fires melted steel and shattered concrete. Today's fire melted steel and shattered what little credibility that Rosie O'Pig might have purported to retain.
If this were to be properly publicised, today's fire should put paid to what little standing Rosie O'Pig might have held among even the blithering idiot class morning teevee viewership.
But then, that'd like waiting till pigs fly.
And Rosie's flying on a Gulfstream to worship at Al Gore's Church of Gaia just isn't the kind of flyin' pig I'm talking about, ifyaknowwhatimean.
We now return you to our normal programming.
Uhm...a very wild, flying guess here...is it because she's a twat? Or just plays one on TV?
Posted by: Erica | April 30, 2007 at 12:21 AM
All I can say is "WELL SAID!".
Posted by: Tracie Ortiz | April 30, 2007 at 03:17 AM
The second thing I thought was "I wonder what Rosie will have to say about this". The first was "what a nightmare on Monday morning".
Posted by: Tina | April 30, 2007 at 11:04 AM
And here I thought I-beams came from the ground already made.
Posted by: Jeffro | April 30, 2007 at 08:17 PM
Concrete overpasses are not reinforced with the same hardened steel girders that were in the Twin Towers. Apples and oranges.
Get past Rosie O'Donnell and celebrity journalism. There are legitimate investigations and hearings taking place in the halls of our government that should have been taking place over the past four years (the legality of W's signing statements; the release, by the VP's office, of the identity of an undercover CIA agent--an act of treason, by definition; the disappearance of more than $8 billion American tax dollars in Iraq, e.g.).
While the Republicans had control of Congress, they resisted investigations; accused those who suggested investigations of being traitors; preached 'support the troops' while defunding combat pay, research for traumatic brain injury (the most common injury from Iraq), and the V.A. Hospitals (until the recent exposee); blocked the Fairness Doctrine presented by Nancy Pilosi--which they have now introduced as their own; spoke out against the use of the filibuster--which they then recently used to block the bill providing a timeline for extraction from Iraq, and on and on. Why do people seek to defend this administration's actions and conclusions?
Based on the lies perpetuated by him, resulting in an illegal war and the deaths of more than 3,000 Americans and countless Iraqis, the California State Assembly has passed a resolution calling for the impeachment of Dick Cheney.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy."
Posted by: The Healthy Skeptic | May 01, 2007 at 01:13 PM
Thank you for the moveon.org front page update!!
Umm... what does this have to do with Rosie? And are you saying that you agree with her assessment that someone set explosives in the twin towers, and the plane crashes had nothing to do with the collapses?
Posted by: Happydad | May 02, 2007 at 01:07 AM
Just Using Simple Common Sense
Let's suppose that Rosie's theory is true. (I know, I kno, but work with me here!) Let's say this was the most amazing coverup in the history of mankind.
Our government planned everything to the exact moment. Which is an amazing feat when you consider they don't have the ability to balance the nation's checkbook. Anyway, not one, but tow airpcrafts were designed to fly into the buildings at exactly the right floors the suggested bombs are placed. Then they are blown up at the most dramatic moments successfully toppling both towers.
Now add to this that all the evil government players that were involved would have to keep quiet. "'Mums' the word guys!"
The obsurdity of this conspiracy is rediculous. We have a government who blathers over anyone of thier collegues indescritions, and we're to believe that they can keep something this big a secret? HA!
Rosie lives in a hatefilled bubble where everything from natural disasters and plagues are the work of Bush. IF he can do all this--we're certainly not paying him enough. :-)
Posted by: Dale The Kid | May 30, 2007 at 02:39 PM
Rosie is a sweaty fat hog; she eats her own feces and then kisses her ugly-ass lesbian girlfriend. Can you imagine the smell of the furmundacheese involved w/ this oinker???
Posted by: HENRO | July 15, 2007 at 09:19 PM