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May 10, 2007



Why sir, you make me blush. Thank you for the lovely compliment. It was a pleasure to meet you and your lovely companion.


I really, troooly adore you & Iris to no end. It was a good weekend, weren't it? Alcohol, tobacco, firearms...works for me.


well i'm freaking addicted to your blown eyed greatness already. blog or no blog, i'll see you and iris in a couple of weeks. can't wait!

Jay G

Damn, damn, damn.

Why, oh, why, does MA have to be so far from TX?

(That's rhetorical. I don't need the list of 1,000 reasons...) :)

Sounds like a good time was had by all. I'm jealous...

El Capitan


Forget someone on the list, maybe?? You'd think I'd be hard to overlook! ;-)


Next year...I WILL be there. *wink*


It was nice meeting you and your better half. Maybe next year I'll be able to stay longer so I can throw you in the pool ;)


Glad to meet you and Iris. I just wished we had more time to chat. I'll be seeing you down in Houston soon.

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