I left this comment over at Bill Whittle's place, roughly, 'bout ten minutes ago:
Welcome back, from just one of the countless blogs you directly inspired.
Please accept my sincere thanks for all that your blog was then, and even the moreso for your return now.
The trite thing would be to say that the timing of your return is splendid, and not a moment too soon. Truth is though, the time is always right for your voice to be heard.
Welcome back. Hopefully, evermore.
Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX
I mean every word of that. If you're not familiar with Rachel Lucas, hie thee hence and go visit, and read.
Very often.
It'll be worth your time, or your money back!
Yeap...good news indeed. We jumped on this sphere about the same time, and yes...she was an inspiration.
Posted by: Sam | May 20, 2007 at 09:13 AM
I remember reading Rachel Lucas way back when and thought it was a real shame to see her shut it down. It's great to see her back.
Posted by: the pistolero | May 21, 2007 at 08:16 AM