Not a chance!
Lest I forget the BlownEyes, that is.
I enjoyed one helluva good blogmeet this past weekend, in Kerrville, Texas. And I had the pleasure...the distinct pleasure, of meeting a damn good buncha people I'd never met before, and more than a few blogs (and bloggers) new to me.
Believe me, I've got a lot of catching up to do, and lot of new blogs to get to know.
I'll post more on the blogmeet soon, but the previous post was one in the works for a while, and I wanted to get it tended to and posted before the topic grew stale. And now that that's done, I can (hopefully?) catch up with the tiny slivers of the blogosphere that my constrained time allows me to pursue.
But I am glad, honored to have met some damned fine people in Kerrville.
The pleasure was mine, entirely.
Right back 'atcha!
Posted by: Omnibus Driver, Chicago, IL | May 09, 2007 at 10:19 AM
It was really awesome meeting you and the lovely missus. Youse are both a real w00t!
Posted by: Erica | May 09, 2007 at 10:29 AM