« This Memorial Day, 2007 | Main | Old Spice »

May 30, 2007



Ah- thanks brother. Very kind.


jim...you have any of those jelly fish in galvseton bay?I have lived on corpus christi bay for two months now,and I seem to be a magnet for those ugly bastards.I get stung all the time.


My medical issues are keeping me from blogging and visiting and kicking my arse..
I struggled to post the Memorial day post.
I hope you had a chance to stop in and read it.
Thank you again for your service.
I am going to be away again but will try and be back soon.
Thank you for the introduction to Bastige.
Take care


"My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory
The old lie, "Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori."
-- Wilfred Owen, British soldier killed in WWI

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