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May 26, 2007


"I believe in it, and I stand by every word. Then, as now."

You should be proud to stand by every word of it. Beautiful post, sir.


That about says it all. An awesome frickin' post.


Spot on, Captain! "Then, as now"; indeed.


Wundefrul post sloop! I have been away. I am doing my best to get up to speed and bakc to blogging. Fngiers crossed i will keep geeitting better. If you get a channce plase visti my Memorial day post I worcked very hard to post.
Thank you for your service!


Awesome post, yes. For those like myself who have a vision of this nation's future which includes us having to make that supreme sacrifice here, on our own soil, to keep our Constitution and it's concepts in place, it means even more.

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