Looking back over the past four years of Smoke on the Water, this remains my favorite post. I believe in it, and I stand by every word. Then, as now.
Sadly though, traitors who seek vainglory and high political office today betray our fallen heroes, all in the name of personal gain, political advantage and a sick, twisted belief that all that is wrong in this world can be laid at the feet of the United States of America.
They are wrong.
The brave men and women who served our country, and who now lie at eternal rest, are not to be cast aside as mere pawns by those who betray their very sacrafice. Not deny it; betray it.
A few days ago, the United States Senate passed the bill fuding the troops engaged in the Iraqi Theatre of Operations. The vote was 80-14.
Of those fourteen; I no longer consider them worthy of the sacrafices made by our warriors. Regardless of party, they have in my consideration, forfeit that which has been won for them by the blood and lives of the men and women I write about in the following post.
The honor due our fallen soldiers can be upheld in large measure, by seeing to it that those fourteen traitors who at present, bear the title United States Senator, do so no longer at the first electoral opportunity. I'll deal with them later. They don't even deserve to have their names mentioned in this same article which is dedicated to heroes felled in the cause of freedom.
Our troops; past, present and future, deserve better.
They deserve our all.
And now, please let me once again give to you what I'd first written and posted on May 28, 2004.
For Love Of Country
And of our fellow man.
In the face of this electoral season's acrimony, it behooves us all as Americans to every now and then declare a truce, step back from the brink and to take stock of this awesome Nation of ours.
Of all of ours.
Be you Raving Liberal or Vast Right-Wing Conspirator, this time is not about you. Or about me.
Each year the soldiers of the Third United States Infantry Regiment ("The Old Guard") take part in the ceremony called "Flags In." Just before Memorial Day, each grave in Arlington National Cemetery is decorated with a small American flag.
The flags remain in place until the conclusion of the Memorial Day Weekend when they are all removed. It is the only time during the year when American flags are permitted at all gravesites in the Cemetery. The "Flags In" detail took place this year on Thursday, 27 May 2004.
Personally, I believe deeply that we lose something vital to our survival as a Nation when we forget the blood of patriots.
Words, symbols, heated rhetoric and clever argument all pale when measured against the brilliance of the white of marble, the emerald carpet of living grass borne over they who rest beneath, forevermore.
And the fields and fields of flags upon each, bearing quiet witness to the precious, eternal value of that sacrafice.
Dignity, honor, respect and a day of rememberence is all that they ask now of us.
Especially, rememberence.
So, this weekend, set aside if only for a day, thoughts of (D) or (R). Rail not against your fellow American, nor wish harm to him, his party or his creed.
Not on this day.
The men and women in those graves are no longer Democrats or Republicans. They are still and eternally though Americans, and are forevermore worthy of this day given but to them.
Honor the Day. Honor Them.
From their dark and silent graves, they give more honor to our Nation than any one politican, party or officeholder dares ever imagine.
Dignified beyond words, with nobility above the highest offices of government, these silent warriors speak loudly of what it is to be American.
They did not die for the Republicans. Nor for the Democrats, Greens or Libertarians.
Whether in combat, or fifty years later surrounded by only the memories of comrades long since passed, the men and women resting forever under those flags once marched proudly under that banner. They have earned nothing less than the unqualified respect of a grateful Nation, and her grateful people.
The last full measure of devotion is an awesome, terrible thing. Yet, magnificent; and it is upon the altar of their sacrafice that we enjoy the freedom of the greatest Nation in the history of the world.
Stand and salute, and remember them.
For our own sakes, and especially for theirs.
You should be proud to stand by every word of it. Beautiful post, sir.
Posted by: laurie | May 26, 2007 at 11:42 AM
That about says it all. An awesome frickin' post.
Posted by: Erica | May 26, 2007 at 03:57 PM
Spot on, Captain! "Then, as now"; indeed.
Posted by: Michael | May 26, 2007 at 09:23 PM
Wundefrul post sloop! I have been away. I am doing my best to get up to speed and bakc to blogging. Fngiers crossed i will keep geeitting better. If you get a channce plase visti my Memorial day post I worcked very hard to post.
Thank you for your service!
Posted by: Raggedy | May 28, 2007 at 02:45 AM
Awesome post, yes. For those like myself who have a vision of this nation's future which includes us having to make that supreme sacrifice here, on our own soil, to keep our Constitution and it's concepts in place, it means even more.
Posted by: Rivrdog | May 30, 2007 at 08:05 AM