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May 20, 2007


Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner

You'd feel right at home at the smoke shop that I frequent here in Northern Virginia. When I walk in it's not unusual to find a firearms "show-and-tell" in progress. One afternoon last week I was installing a set of custom grips on a 1911 (I make 'em) for an ATF guy, when an unsuspecting consumer came in. The sight of that Kimber stopped him dead in his tracks. When he "recovered" he entered the humidor (prolly 1500 sq. feet) to make his selection. The store manager found it quite amusing.


I don't smoke but Outlaw Cigar here in Kansas City is another fine shop. They've got a three room set up. One room's the humidor, one's the smoking lounge (big screen TV, wet bar, etc.). They have monthly parties with barbecue, nice ladies, and events - usually well known cigar makers plus other things.

I go there because I convinced them to start carrying Benchmade knives. They're now a Benchmade Premium Dealer and carry quite a collection of fine knives - including Emerson's customs.

As I said, I don't smoke but it's still a very congenial place.

Sounds like Richmond Avenue Cigars fills the same niche.


I had no idea you aren't supposed to inhale cigars so the 1st one I smoked, I inhaled the whole thing! I felt so sick after that! It sounds like a good idea to put the alcohol next to the guns!!!


In the GFW states of the West, such a trifecta of "collecta, perfecta and Metaxa" would be outlawed, or at least required to be located in the "sin" section of town.

BTW, Sailor, of you're looking for a change of pace in something fine to sip, try the aforementioned Metaxa (Greek) brandy. Not too spendy, about $20 here in state-monopoly Oregon, for the 5-star (which is better than the 7-star). One of the best instant-memories I have was implanted on a yachting trip years ago, with my chartered Sabre 41 (fractional rig) yacht sitting 100 feet below me in the snug harbor, I was at Rosario Resort on Orcas Island, East Sound, in the bar, watching the sun set over the Sound, sitting with my honey and sipping my second Metaxa.

Rosario, of course, was built by nineteenth-century timber baron Jim Moran as his summer place for when he wasn't in Seattle running the biggest West Coast timber company. It rivals plenty of European castles in splendor.


Thanks for being there for me last night. I'm sorry I called so late.

I did what you advised...I gave it over to God. It hurts a lot less, I'm a lot less preoccupied, and I can function a little better. With time, I will heal over the loss of this friendship.

Thank you, once again. You're the best ever.

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