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June 16, 2007



Right on. We won't come close to the integrity our fathers' generation lived their lives by, and sadly, our children will never lay a candle to ours.

Thought of you today, Sailor, as I was getting passed in a narrow, no-wake channel by a Nauticat 33. I was going max no-wake speed, just under 6 kts through the water, and he came by me at over 7 kts, making a wake. Since I knew the skipper, I chided him on CH 68, but he gave me that old chestnut "everyone knows a sailboat can't make a wake".

Of course, when we got clear of the restrictive channel, I put the throttles down and he was soon chiding ME for making him turn to quarter MY wake. That 90-hp Lehman of his won't plane his sailboat, but my TWO 270-hp Crusaders WILL plane mine.

Do NOT ask me how much fuel I burned at $3.59/gallon....


Ah, black pepper's good.

However, the stale shite in restaurants and most cafeteria-type places (the DFACs here come to mind) requires me to take the top off the shaker to liberally dose my comestibles to get a proper tang.

But give me anything in the genus capsicum and I'll have a blissful look on my face.


Excellent post!
Your writing never ceases to amaze me.
"he's lived a life which far outstrips mine in accomplishment, experience and integrity. I admire him beyond words, and love him beyond measure."
They went straight to my heart because as I read them I feel all those same things for my Dad as well only I would never be able to express them so eloquently.
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one


The scent of Old Spice never ever ever fails to remind me of Dad.
I always wondered if he really liked it, or just wore it because of us.

Guy S.

Ahhhh, Old Spice! I still use it, as my father did before me. Don't know if the boys picked up on it or not. Most likely not, as they are "far too hip ™ " for the "ship that sailed the ocean".

And my dads shoes have and forever will be far too big for me. Though it was a most sobering moment when I caught myself sounding just like him, while admonishing one of my boys in their younger days. (think I got an automatic gray hair or two right at that very same moment *grin*P

here and here is a bit of tv memory to go with it.


Your praise is like 2 500 lb kegs of honey. although very sweet, when placed upon my shoulders, I can not bear the burden.
The only thing I desire is your love, which I know I have. No other request is made to you.
Know that you are loved very much also by both H&DS.

Mark Vane

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So eloquent.
Thanks for the tribute. Our fathers and the men of their generation have given us so much.

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