As anyone who puts a blog out here knows, it is often the encoragement of others which motivate us to move from merely commenting on blogs, to starting and keeping one's own.
When that encouragement comes from such blogosphere icons as Baldilocks, Key, Misha and Kim, well, one becomes both excited and humbled. The praise from those held in such esteem, invigorating. The feeling that what you put out there being not as good as you wish you could make it, humbling, to be sure.
One such was Acidman, who was directly responsible in demanding that I get this blog going. And sadly, he's gone from us, too soon, too tragically.
Today though, I learn of a loss of equal heartbreak. And I grieve the loss of one of a rare and passing breed.
A True Lady.
Barbara Manning.
We knew her as Indigo, of Indigo's Insights.
And now, she's Pussyfootin' around Heaven, reunited with her husband who preceeded her some time ago.
It's not for me to fully eulogize Barbara here. Our correspondence in the days when she wrote to me in encouragement and coaching are and shall remain reserved. Suffice to say that she was always and without fail, a friend. A lady of grace, class, substance and style.
She made a lasting legacy here, and among many.
I will leave with one of her favored expressions.
Godspeed, Indigo.
Oh no! I talked to her on the phone once. What a wonderful charming Southern woman. I could also imagine her as the Southern woman in the joke about trying to talk the guy out of jumping off the bridge. How did I miss this?
Posted by: Denny | May 23, 2008 at 01:03 PM
Damn I'm sorry to hear that, the only consolation being that she's reunited...
Posted by: DirtCrashr | May 28, 2008 at 03:00 PM