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February 24, 2011



Cap'n, that account is so sad. When I watched dreams go under in the collapse of my ice-laden moorage in 2004, I instantly felt for those skippers and their families whose hearts had just had been torn open as the wood and steel sundered their yachts.

As long as I live, I shall never forget that terrible sound, like 5 million pencils snapping at once, and the screech of tearing metal signifying the agony of the crushed boats as well as the agony of their owners.

Sad, indeed.

Jay G.

Thanks for sharing the story, Jim.


Even after a time, that couldn't have been easy to write. Thanks, Jim.

And it's good to see you post something - of course I've seen you out and about on Algore's innertubes, so we all knew you were alive and kicking. Not the same, though!

Paul B

I always hate seeing things like this- when word reached me that my last ship was headed to scrap, I felt the same way. We survived Hurricane Ike, ourselves, though the ship and crew took some heavy damage- like your boat, we couldn't get out of the way in time.


She was a beautiful ship that's for sure.


RIP New Dawn. Alas! I never get to take it out with you to sail the Gulf.


I have always wondered what became of her. Thank you for sharing with us. Good to hear from you.

Steve H.

I could have done without racy talk like this: "Not only did she handle well at the helm, she was highly controllable while backing down, and as long as the sails were well trimmed, had virtually no weather helm at all."


Welcome back, Cap'n.

Da Goddess

The worst is done and gone now. The best still remains in your heart and memories.

Isn't that all we can ask of anyone or anything in our lives?

Light & Dark

Had always wondered what exactly had happened to her, Jim. Sorry to hear she was treated so ignominiously by the weather gods.

What is it about boats that inspires such loving respect for the inanimate? You'd almost never hear such things about a crashed car, for example, but it happens with boats all the time.

I suspect it has much to do with the skipper's need to connect so intimately with the capabilities and limitations of his craft to both enjoy and survive the medium over which he travels. Not to mention the level of adventure and discovery involved.

So pleased to hear things are well with Iris and the furballs (sounds like a '60s Motown group!). If I can be any assistance re-jigging SOTW, be sure to get in touch.

Fun to see so many of the usual suspects from the Gut Rumbles days represented in this comment thread.


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