UPDATE: 10:30pm CST. Welcome Instapundit guests!
And it seems I've some in agreement, and some comments and links which are just howlers. A bit late tonight for me to fully respond to the comments (and hate mail), but I'll give it all a good run through tomorrow morning. Until then, keep the cards n' letters coming.
Remember this though. I'm just as committed to: 1. The Fence. 2. NO AMNESTY. 3. Militarization of the border, as needed. 4. Instantly deporting all illegal alien felons. 5. Cutting off the "carrot", i.e; the social services which support so many millions of illegal aliens. 6. No "fast track" to Citizenship, other than that which any Legal Immigrant must accept.
And I'm committed to voting out any RINO pacifist who wants to kowtow to Fox and the reconquistas.
What I've pointed out though in this essay, is that among ourselves, manners matter. Or, at least they should, lest we be confused with our opponents on the left.
Now, on to your reading. Welcome aboard!
A day and a half after the President's speech on illegal immigration and our Southern border.
In that time, I've made a pretty fair scan of the sites on my blogroll, as well as many others which were linked by their own articles. I've clicked-through to a whole lot of InstaLinks, and some from Drudge. It has been to say the least, interesting.
Now, in my scant three years of manning the helm here at Smoke on the Water, I've never let up on reading what's out there, even though I've suffered some extended, self-imposed absences from this keyboard. And in that time, I have formed many friendships, both purely online, and not a mere few which have become freinds in the coporeal world.
Some other site-authors and commentators exist out there who I'd never want to be friends with. Or for that matter, even associate with. Nor, with whom to be compared.
Kos, and his demented minions. Atrios, for similar reasons. And the entire cesspool which is the Democratic Underground.... a toilet long overdue for flushing.
What these sites and their leftist synchophants are famous for, is their never ending hatred of, and unreasonable anger towards, any and all things conservative; all things Bush! And not a well-reasoned anger, or for that manner, any reason whatsoever. It is enough that Bush breathes for them to erupt as the snarling pack of rabid curs that they are.
It is bad enough to read their ragings, ravings and rants. One's head simply cannot comprehend how in their throes of hate, how any semblence of reason, logic or any sort of orderly thought process can be so lacking in an otherwise human skull.
In fact, the mere style of their hate is their hallmark, and they're justly known for their lunacy, and well laughed upon by their betters from the universe of reason and sanity. Moonbats, we call them, and rightly so.
But now, I fear for us. For the conservative blogosphere's anger towards President Bush has begun to resemble the foam flecked frothy faced insanity of the left.
And I do not like the comparison. We're better than that, and we're better than them.
Get this through your heads, my friends. We've already made a difference, we've forced the issue and are beginning to see some traction in our direction. I, too, don't think the President's speech was enough, but it was a start. A wobbly start, admittedly, but would you have no improvements at all, or can you take a breath and pause in your intemperate rage long enough to realize, that it's a start?
Granted, it's not much of a start, and leaves much to be desired. So, we'll just have to press on, relentlessly keeping the pressure on for those desires to be realized. But we must do it in a manner in keeping with the ethos of our Tribe.
Hell yes, keep the pressure on and keep those cards, calls, letters and e-mails going to your congresscritters. They need to know...hell, President Bush needs to know, that we're more or less politely, not going to let up just because a good start has been launched. But we also cannot punish them for making a start, or elsewise, why would they find it reasonable to listen to us, if we but punish them for at long last, responding?
For the fools who oppose us, and the RINOS, well, that's what primaries are for. Run some real conservatives against them, and keep hammering away on the issues. Where it counts, which is only in the voting booth.
Keep the pressure on in the blogs, and with everyone in your life's reach. And do so in a manner so as to be a credit to yourself, your politics and your tribe.
Dammit, do it as a Citizen that your fellow American can look to, and respect. Not like the leftist assnuggets on the Hate Bush! side of the planet.
Tony Blankley opens "The Price of Secure Borders" with:
I've always found that avoiding insanity is useful in life — which in American politics sometimes puts one in the minority. As a second proposition I would argue that when in negotiations, if he with whom you are negotiating is moving in your direction, don't walk out of the room.
Of course, anything by the esteemed Mr. Blankely deserves the read the whole thing endorsement.
Blogrolled sage DANEgerous wisely points us to NRO columnist Jim Geraghty's ten-ring take on the subject.
...as I mentioned, what kind of lengths do you think the Democrats will go to in order to keep power once they’ve got it? Does the “Fairness Doctrine” ring a bell? You think Pelosi and Reid wouldn’t try that tactic to hinder conservative talk radio? How about McCain-Feingold 2.0, with a particular focus on controlling “unregulated speech” on the Internet and blogs?
Think the MSM was cheerleading for Democrats in 2004? How much more fair and balanced do you think they’ll be when their task is to defend Democratic House and Senate majorities AND elect President Hillary Rodham Clinton? My guess is, they’ll make the CBS memo story look accurate and evenhanded by comparison.
Think the GOP can prevail in close races once they’re out of power? Ask the members of the military who had their ballots in Florida blocked. Ask Doug Forrester how well his anti-Torricelli campaign worked when he suddenly faced Frank Lautenberg at the last minute. Ask Dino Rossi. Ask Democrat Tim Johnson if he’s glad the last county in South Dakota to report its results just happened to have enough of a Democratic margin to put him over the top in 2002.
You don't win by losing.
And linked from the same DANEgerous post from above, this from Karl Maher. In Buddhist Republicans, he writes:
I remarked somewhere, on this blog or the other one, that one of my earliest political memories was seeing a Vietnamese Buddhist monk on the evening news immolate himself. He seemed peaceful, in the Lotus position. Just another Karma-related fatality, though; didn't do much for Vietnam.
Well, tonight I have seen Republicans set themselves on fire. I don't really know what got the monk's toga twisted. But illegal immigration has really done it for Republicans. Check the Corner, where Kathryn Lopez has made an absolute ass of herself; check the open thread at Redstate, check the comment thread on your favorite conservative blog.......
Go and read what follows that, espeically his list of Bush accomplishments and milestones from five years in office.
So, does all of this make you think that I'm satisfied with the President's speech? Well, I'm not. Nor am I happy with his insistence of the pursuit of a comprehensive Immigration Reform bill. Not in the least. I would far prefer to first secure the border, and then discuss what next to do.
But I am happy that immigration has found it's way onto the Executive Radar, at long last. At least it's there, and it's our team fielding the ball.
Our job now is to not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
And that's a real possibility, given the venal and ill tempered viperitude being vented by otherwise sensible opinionists, bloggers and even nationally syndicated columnists from the right.
Again, from Geraghty:
But apparently the Kos are not the only ones with an all-or-nothing mentality. Sometimes in life you have to use the West Coast offense, nickel and diming your way down the field instead of going for the long bomb. If I want a more conservative government, I get it by electing the more conservative of the two choices, even if he isn’t as conservative as I would like. I do not get it by sitting on the sidelines and pouting, and letting the less conservative guy take the reigns of power.
So I put it to you. Are you going to act like the US, which as brought us so far, so solidly and so successfully, or are you going to act like THEM ?
It is said: "That which we admire, that which we emulate, we become."
And I have long admired the the Conservative community, be it newswriters, authors, columnists, bloggers and friends. It has always tended to attract the mature of mind, the responsible, the civil, the well reasoned and well spoken. The Grownup Party, if you will. I've always wanted to emulate the best of who, and what, we are. But then of course, we always do seem to go from that lofty perch, and fire countless rounds right through our own feet. The Stupid Party, and we may well deserve the title.
Conversely, I've always been struck by the childlike petulence of the left, with their immature logic, temper tatrums, their overwhelming and overreaching and over-loud pouting and shouting. The Evil Party, and no more fitting a monniker can they ever wear.
It pains me that I find a significant few of the conservatives whom I admire, to be acting just like them.
I have seen the Stupid Party, and it is US!
UPDATE, 18 May 06, Noon, CST.
Other blogs linking with this post:
The Other Side of Kim
The Anchoress
Kitty Litter
Gulf Coast Pundit
Lucianne "Must Reads of the Day" (18 May 06)
Dr. Sanity
The Anti-Idiotorian Rottweiller
The Democracy Project
Random Nuclear Strikes
Leslie's Ominibus
Supply Side Politics
plus, see those trackbacks!